Blakes 7 - 1101 - Hostage [ home ] [ prev ] [ next ]
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Author: Allan Prior
[ IMDB ]
Director: Vere Lorrimer [ IMDB ] |
Excerpt from Blakes 7: The Program Guide by Tony Attwood An unprecedented wave of attacks is launched against the Liberator by a fleet of Federation Pursuit Ships using a cloaking device. Despite damage to the Liberator, the ship escapes from the attack. A message is then received from the planet Exbar. It is decoded by Orac and is found to come from Travis, who suggests that as he is now an outlaw like Blake, the two should pool their resources. Furthermore Travis reveals that he has captured Blake's cousin Inga, who will be put to death unless Blake comes to Exbar. Despite strong protests from Avon, Blake decides to go along with Travis's demands and teleports to the planet alone. Meanwhile Councillor Joban meets with Servalan and expresses the High Council's displeasure at her failure to capture Blake. She then receives a signal informing her that Travis is on Exbar and decides to follow up this message by traveling to the planet herself. On Exbar Blake meets Inga's father, Ushton, who directs him to the Tower in which Travis has set up his base. Meanwhile Avon impulsively decides to follow Blake down to the surface despite their earlier argument. He takes Vila along to help him but both are soon captured, and it is revealed that Ushton has betrayed Blake and the others in order to protect his daughter. Travis tells Blake that his aim is the capture of the Liberator and of course the death of Blake and his crew. He imprisons Blake, Avon and Vila in an oxygen-thin room in which they begin to suffocate. Vila is then taken out and forced to reveal the way in which the teleport system works. A Crimo is sent to the Liberator, where he captures Jenna and Cally; they however regain the upper hand by teleporting him back into space instead of down to the planet. Meanwhile, in the Tower, Inga provides a distraction whilst Ushton releases Blake, Avon and Vila. In the ensuing chase on the planet's surface, the Crimos are killed and Travis is left. Avon reveals that he has sent a message to Servalan saying that Travis was on the surface in the hope that she would then deal with Travis as a criminal. After the Liberator has departed, Servalan does arrive on the planet but agrees to take no action against Travis if he continues to pursue Blake and lead her towards the crew of the Liberator. A deal is struck whereby, if Blake and the others are killed, Travis will be classified officially dead. Servalan concludes, "There is no-one as free as a dead man". Review 07/03/2005 by ledlogic Avon is very perceptive and foresees that the group on Exbar will prove traitorous to Blake. (c) 1979 by the British Broadcasting Corporation. Series created by Terry Nation. This is a partial dialogue transcript for research purposes and is not for sale under any circumstances. Format (c) 1993 by Susan Clerc, Micky DuPree, and Susan Hill.
Dramatis Personae
[Starfield and planets] [Exterior shot of Liberator] [Liberator flight deck. Blake walks onto flight deck, past Avon and Vila, who are sitting at a table to the left of the flight couches. Avon is working on a gadget, Vila is bored] VILA: Quiet, isn't it? AVON: Yes. [The scene cuts to an exterior shot of Federation pursuit ships, then back to the Liberator flight deck] ZEN: Information. Forward sensors indicate Federation pursuit ships. BLAKE: Zen, strategy three, immediate operation. ZEN: Confirmed. AVON: [Into wall comm] Battle stations. BLAKE: Give me bearing and number of hostiles. ZEN: Battle computers will specify three seconds. BLAKE: Activate the force wall. AVON: Activated. [Jenna and Cally enter] JENNA: What's happening? BLAKE: Pursuit ships homing in. Get us moving. ZEN: Sensors indicate two hostiles bearing one three seven BLAKE: Cally. CALLY: Distance five hundred spacials and closing. BLAKE: Full boost, Jenna. JENNA: Full boost. [Exterior shot of Liberator and pursuit ships, then back to flight deck] CALLY: Two hundred spacials and closing fast. BLAKE: Evasion course. JENNA: Evasion course under way. [Exterior shot of Liberator and pursuit ships firing bolts, then back to flight deck] VILA: Two plasma bolts launched and running. JENNA: Changing course delta one vector two nine. [The bolts register on the main screen] VILA: Missed. BLAKE: Increase speed to standard by ten. ZEN: Confirmed. Speed increased to standard by ten. JENNA: Blake, look. [Pursuit ships register on the main screen] VILA: Two more pursuit ships. AVON: seven five BLAKE: Distance? CALLY: Four hundred spacials and closing. BLAKE: We're turning into them. JENNA: I can see that. Compensating zero nine five. BLAKE: Increase speed to standard by twelve. ZEN: Confirmed. VILA: Plasma bolts launched and running. AVON: They're well off target. No threat. [Bolt strikes Liberator] VILA: I don't call that off target. AVON: Where the hell did that one come from? BLAKE: Zen. Forward vision. [More pursuit ships on the main screen] VILA: Four more? BLAKE: Bearing? AVON: Two seven zero. BLAKE: Cally? CALLY: Four hundred spacials and closing. JENNA: Blake, We're running out of room to manoeuvre. BLAKE: They're working to a pattern. Zen, are the battle computers ready to project all enemy positions? ZEN: Affirmative. Computers ready. AVON: Blake, there's a mass of ionized particles, vector three nine. If we can fly into it, it could confuse their scanners for just long enough. BLAKE: Avon might be right. Tangent one eight. Go for it. JENNA: Blake, at this speed even the smallest particle... BLAKE: Quench it, Jenna, full thrust. JENNA: Tangent one eight. Full boost is on. [View screen shows the pursuit ships passing. Liberator enters cloud of particles and the scene cuts between exterior shots of Liberator and the flight deck] BLAKE: Zen, nearest pursuit ship? ZEN: Nine hundred spacials. Liberator is now out of detector range. AVON: We've outrun them. BLAKE: Well done, Jenna. VILA: I thought we'd had it that time. JENNA: So did I. VILA: Cally, I could murder a relaxant. Any chance? CALLY: It's for medicinal purposes only. You know that. VILA: This once? CALLY: Well, are you dying? VILA: I'm thinking about it. [Exterior shot of Federation pursuit ship] [Flight deck, Federation pursuit ship] COMMANDER: Has she picked us up yet? MUTOID: No, commander. COMMANDER: Good. Our detector shield is working. Give me her exact position in three minutes at present speed. Mark. MUTOID: Computer running. COMMANDER: [Into handheld communicator]Commander to lead flotilla. Grid reference one zero seven three delta in two minutes twenty three sections. Mark. Attack in sections, Alpha section leads. Thirteen seconds between waves. Speed, time distort ten. Now we'll see what the Liberator is made of. MUTOID: Two minutes. COMMANDER: She won't get away a second time. [Exterior shot of Liberator followed by pursuit ship, then back to flight deck] MUTOID: Do we join the action, Space Commander? COMMANDER: No. We just watch the execution. [Liberator appears on a screen with a digital countdown in the corner. Countdown runs from 40 to 37] [Liberator flight deck] ZEN: Federation pursuit ships registering on forward detectors now number twenty. BLAKE: Twenty? VILA: Oh, no. BLAKE: Activate force wall three sixty. Energy reserves? JENNA: Switched in. AVON: Activated. BLAKE: Zen, relative position? ZEN: Liberator is centered on all flight paths. JENNA: What course? BLAKE: Maintain course. Increase speed to standard by ten. AVON: Zen, can we withstand an attack of this magnitude? ZEN: No information. AVON: Thank you, that's very helpful. [Liberator with digital countdown again. Countdown 9 to 1] [Pursuit ship flight deck] MUTOID: Alpha section commencing attack run. COMMANDER: Excellent. This is what I've been waiting for. Goodbye, Blake. [Exterior shot of pursuit ships] [Liberator flight deck] AVON: Four plasma bolts, launched and running. BLAKE: Hang on, everybody. [Exterior shot of purtsuit ships attacking Liberator] [Bolts strike Liberator, jolting the crew amid explosions at the rear of the flight deck] [Pursuit ship flight deck] COMMANDER: [Watching view screen as it shows Liberator being hit by plasma bolts] They've got her. And again. How many strikes now? MUTOID: Five bolts, running true. COMMANDER: She'll have to go. She'll never resist this. [Scene cuts between Liberator and pursuit ship. The crew are thrown about amid smoke and explosions as bolts hit the ship. Jenna gets back to the piloting position. More shots, and the crew are again thrown from their positions. Blake and Jenna scramble back to the controls] [Liberator flight deck] BLAKE: [At pilot's controls] It's all right, Jenna, I've got it. [Pursuit ship flight deck] COMMANDER: [Watching Liberator on view screen] She's getting away. Alpha section, return to the attack. Repeat, Alpha section, return to the attack. [Liberator flight deck] CALLY: Blake, we're losing them, I think. Forward vision is now clear. BLAKE: Cally's right. JENNA: But how? AVON: A too intricate attack pattern. Their trajectories were too precise. They couldn't turn in time to match our forward velocity. BLAKE: Maintain course and speed. [Pursuit ship flight deck] COMMANDER: She's flown right through us. How many hits registered? MUTOID: Twelve. COMMANDER: What's her damage? MUTOID: Cannot specify. COMMANDER: But there must have been a heavy drain on the neutron energy banks. MUTOID: How much our computer cannot determine. COMMANDER: What's our course and speed? MUTOID: One zero nine, time distort twenty. COMMANDER: Twenty! Are you sure? MUTOID: Computer confirms. COMMANDER: Then we can't possibly catch her. And I thought we had them for sure. [Exterior shot of Liberator] [Liberator flight deck] AVON: Used up half our energy reserves. Reading is forty-five percent of capacity. BLAKE: It was the biggest attack they've mounted on us yet. We need time to recharge the banks, and ourselves. AVON: Zen, are we clear of pursuit ships? ZEN: Affirmative. Liberator is now out of detector range. VILA: You said that last time. Avon, when are you going to repair that detector shield? AVON: Whenever we stumble across the parts I need. CALLY: Maybe we should give priority to getting them. VILA: Yes, maybe we should. BLAKE: Looks as though the Federation have developed a shield themselves. CALLY: Yes, well they got very, very close before we saw them. AVON: And that is the most depressing aspect of the whole affair. I was rather hoping to sell them the idea. [Planet. Clicking noises denoting a message] [Exterior shot of Liberator] [Liberator flight deck. Vila is asleep at his station] BLAKE: Vila, come on, wake up Vila. VILA: Unh. BLAKE: That message, did you log it? VILA: What message? BLAKE: I thought I heard a call sign numerative. VILA: Aw, it's just Federation traffic I expect. Orac'll have it. Shall I ask him what it was? BLAKE: Orac, was that something? I thought I heard an identification Exbar. Was it Exbar? ORAC: Automatic monitoring confirms. The message appears to be directed to you personally. BLAKE: Me? AVON: Have you decoded it? ORAC: Not yet. It is a non-standard cipher. BLAKE: What was the origin of the message? ORAC: Point of origin was the planet Exbar. The sender is obviously aware of my unique intercept capability. Decode is now complete. Message carries a visplay. BLAKE: Visplay, Avon. AVON: Zen, transfer visplay to main screen. ZEN: Main screen transfer complete. [Travis appears on the main screen] TRAVIS: Blake, I am sending from the planet Exbar. I have Ushton's daughter. Here she is. [The screen shows Inga] Her name is Inga, if you remember. [Screens shows Travis] Don't worry, I won't harm her. All I ask is come to Exbar and talk. Blake, this is not a trick. Like yourself, I am now a fugitive from the Federation. It is time we pooled our resources. Together we might survive. Alone the Federation will pick us off one at a time. AVON: Starting with him, we hope. VILA: He could have a point. TRAVIS: Blake, the girl is safe if you come to Exbar within twenty five time units. Teleport at grid reference B W one three zero. If you do not come, the girl, regretfully, dies. [Visplay ends] JENNA: Who exactly is Inga? BLAKE: She meant a lot to me once. AVON: What about Ushton? BLAKE: He's my father's brother. I thought he was dead. He ought to be dead; he's been a prisoner on that planet for years. [Sits at the table left of the flight couches] AVON: Well, we didn't see him, so perhaps he is dead. BLAKE: I don't know. AVON: It's a trap, of course. BLAKE: Possibly. AVON: What else could it be? VILA: He did say together we might survive. AVON: Don't be stupid.[Sits opposite Blake] VILA: Listen, I heard it as well as you did. He said we should pool our resources and I still say he may have a point. AVON: You turn your back on him you might find it between your shoulder blades. VILA: That's what you say. JENNA: Vila, he wants to kill us. VILA: He used to want to kill us. Now the Federation want to kill him. He's in the same situation as us. CALLY: Are you sure you recognize this girl? BLAKE: Yes. CALLY: You want to go to Exbar, don't you? BLAKE: Yes, I do. JENNA: Do you know the planet? [Sits next to Blake] BLAKE: I visited it years ago, spent some time there. It was a penal colony then. Only grade four offenders, allowed visitors, special privileges, that sort of thing. JENNA: And now? BLAKE: Abandoned, so I thought. AVON: You're being irrational. That message, anybody could have picked it up. BLAKE: No. It was non-standard code. The Federation listening stations don't use it. That is correct, isn't it Orac? ORAC: Correct. That code was destandardized for general Federation traffic fifty years ago. BLAKE: Thank you, Orac. AVON: Travis hates you, and all of us. He wants to kill us. What can he possibly offer us? BLAKE: I don't know. AVON: You believe his story about our needing each other against the Federation? BLAKE: No. AVON: Well, then. BLAKE: You heard him, he's got the girl. Do you believe that he won't kill her? AVON: No. BLAKE: That's why I want to go to Exbar. I don't expect any of you to come with me, I just want you to put me down, that's all. CALLY: You just want us to put you down and that is all you ask? BLAKE: Yes JENNA: Well, if that's all... AVON: You're being naive, all of you. Vila? VILA: Well, she has got a pretty face. BLAKE: Right.[Stands] AVON: No. [Stands] I still say that it is an unacceptable risk. BLAKE: It is not unacceptable because I accept it. I want to save that girl, if I can. If I can't, I might as well be a Federation slave like everyone else. As might you all. [Exits. The others exchange glances] JENNA: Zen, lay in a course for the planet Exbar [Exterior shot of Space Command Headquarters] [Servalan's office] SERVALAN: What do you mean, your force lost him? Your orders were to destroy Blake. COMMANDER: [On communications screen] We got close, Supreme Commander, but the Liberator stood the attack. SERVALAN: Did you damage her? COMMANDER: We must have. SERVALAN: Where is she now? COMMANDER: I don't know. I've put all patrol units in sector four on full alert. SERVALAN: Commander, I'm not interested in your excuses. You will surrender your ship and place yourself under close arrest. COMMANDER: But, Supreme Commander, I must protest. SERVALAN: Mutoid. COMMANDER: We did very well to get close to the Liberator. [A gun is aimed at the Commander's head] It could have worked! [Servalan closes communication and pours herself a drink] [The communicator chimes] SERVALAN: Yes. VOICE: Communications section. We've just received a rather odd signal. It's in top priority general code one zero seven and it's tagged for your personal attention. SERVALAN: For me? By name? VOICE: Yes, Supreme Commander. SERVALAN: Have you decoded it? VOICE: Not yet. SERVALAN: What is the origin of the message? VOICE: Unspecified. No Federation code sign was given. SERVALAN: Decode at once. VOICE: And Councilor Joban is here. SERVALAN: Send him in. [Finishes the drink and conceals the empty glass under the desk] Councilor Joban. JOBAN: Supreme Commander. SERVALAN: An honor, Councilor. JOBAN: Thank you. [Sits down and indicates decanter and glass on the desk] Aren't you going to offer me a drink? SERVALAN: Yes, of course. [Pours drink and gives it to him] JOBAN: Not joining me? SERVALAN: I prefer to keep a clear head. JOBAN: Very wise. Personally, I like the edges a little blurred. SERVALAN: I wish I could believe that. JOBAN: Softened, then. SERVALAN: I find that even less likely. JOBAN: [Lifts glass to salute Servalan] It failed, then? SERVALAN: I knew you were well informed, but... JOBAN: All that logistical output, and it failed. SERVALAN: It almost succeeded. JOBAN: "Almost succeeded" is not really good enough, is it? SERVALAN: Did I suggest that it was? JOBAN: Some members of the council are concerned that many of our citizens now know of Blake's activities, and those of the renegade Travis. SERVALAN: But there have been no public spacecasts on either Travis or Blake. JOBAN: People talk, Servalan. There's no way of stopping them. SERVALAN: This is a major breach of security. The punishment is total. Who are these people who have been talking? I want their names, Councilor. JOBAN: All sorts of citizens from Alphas to labor grades know of Blake's defiance of the Federation. They talk of him as a sort of...hero, many of them. SERVALAN: What rubbish. JOBAN: His men impede progress, and more importantly order. Order, Servalan. It is all that matters. SERVALAN: I do not need you to remind me of that. JOBAN: I supported your appointment. Perhaps I was wrong. SERVALAN: Perhaps you were. There's a first time for everything, Joban. JOBAN: I've always admired your willingness to take risks. SERVALAN: Calculated risks. JOBAN: I add up to a dangerous enemy. SERVALAN: [Smiles] Mmmmmm. So do I, Councilor. JOBAN: The council ask, "Where is Blake's head?" And we've no answer. SERVALAN: You shall have it. JOBAN: The answer, or his head? SERVALAN: Both. JOBAN: Good. I would not like to think I might have been wrong in my choice. [Finishes his drink] SERVALAN: [Indicates his glass] Can I offer you another... JOBAN: Thank you, no. I must try to emulate your clarity of thought. SERVALAN: I value our friendship. JOBAN: Goodbye, _Supreme_ Commander.[They clasp hands] SERVALAN: Goodbye, Councilor Joban. [Joban exits] [The communicator chimes] SERVALAN: Yes. VOICE: The message reads "Travis is on the planet Exbar." SERVALAN: Is that all? VOICE: That is all, but communications have now established that its origin was somewhere in the fourth sector. We can't be more specific. SERVALAN: The fourth sector. Where was Blake's Liberator when it was attacked? VOICE: Supreme Commander? SERVALAN: Do we have a command ship available? VOICE: C twenty six has just returned. SERVALAN: Good. Put it on readiness and plot me a course for Exbar. [Liberator flight deck. The main screen shows the planet as Zen describes it. Blake and Avon are sitting at the table] ZEN: The atmosphere on Exbar is breathable, but the envelope is narrow and oxygen begins to run out at relatively low altitudes. The terrain supports minimum vegetation which becomes increasingly sparse at higher altitudes. Near the top of the chalk escarpments, which are a feature of the area specified, the air is dangerously thin. CALLY: [To Blake] So, it's very cold down there and you'll be short of oxygen on the higher ground. So move slowly and conserve your energy. AVON: Better still, don't go at all. VILA: At least don't go alone, not again. Let one of us go down with you. AVON: Are you volunteering? VILA: Me? BLAKE: Thanks for the offer anyway.[Stands] AVON: Wait.[Stands] BLAKE: Why? We're approaching orbit. AVON: At least let me make sure that there are no Federation pursuit ships around. BLAKE: Why should there be? AVON: Why shouldn't there be? BLAKE: Zen, any sign of a pursuit ship? ZEN: Negative on main detectors. BLAKE: Satisfied? AVON: What happens if they arrive while you're down there? BLAKE: Then you'll have to leave me down there. AVON: That could happen. BLAKE: I know. What's the matter with you, Avon? AVON: I'm just reminding you, that's all. You are still assuming that we will risk our lives for you. ZEN: Liberator is now moving into stationary orbit over planet Exbar. BLAKE: I'm going to get ready. Vila. [Exits] VILA: Just think what we're missing on Exbar. All that cold and shortage of breath. [Exits] [Cally looks thoughtfully at Avon] JENNA: Cally, what's the matter? CALLY: No. I...I don't think it's important. JENNA: Well, it might be. You've been right before. CALLY: No, leave it,'s nothing. [Exits] [Exterior shot of Liberator in orbit] [Exbar. Blake materializes] BLAKE: [Into bracelet] Down safely. I seem to remember the place from when I was a boy. There's an old pathway going up a slope. I think I'm near the right place. I'm moving off now. [Liberator flight deck] JENNA: It's not safe, staying in orbit like this. We're a sitting target. CALLY: Well, there should be no danger. Does anyone know we're here? Avon? AVON: What? CALLY: I said who knows we're here? AVON: How do I know who knows? I still say anybody could have picked up that message. CALLY: No they couldn't. You know they couldn't. Why are you so worried? AVON: Why don't you get on with your job? [Exits] VILA: [To Jenna] What's all that about? JENNA: I've no idea. [Exbar. Blake sees a man hauling a load of branches] BLAKE: Ushton? Ushton. USHTON: [Drops wood and approaches Blake, brandishing knife] Who are you? BLAKE: Roj. Roj Blake. USHTON: Roj Blake? Roj! [Both laugh and clasp each others' arms in greeting] BLAKE: It's good to see you again. USHTON: You've grown. BLAKE: It's been a long time. USHTON: Yes, I suppose it has. BLAKE: Where is Travis? USHTON: Travis. Well, we'll get to him later. First, I must take you to a fire, and under cover.[They move off] BLAKE: You're limping. USHTON: Yes, I broke my leg last winter, fell down a crevasse. Inga got me out. BLAKE: Isn't there anyone else around here to help you? USHTON: No. They're all too busy trying to stay alive. Trying to get enough to eat. [Blake picks up the wood] BLAKE: Federation. USHTON: The Federation. They leave us alone now. Nothing else they want on Exbar. Hmph. Well, good to see you. Come on.[They walk a little, then stop] Here we are. BLAKE: Huh? USHTON: That's my dugout.[He points at some scrub] BLAKE: Where? USHTON: There.[Laughs] Come on. [Liberator flight deck] AVON: I'm going down. JENNA: What! AVON: I said I'm going down. Vila, come and operate the teleport. VILA: Did you hear that? JENNA: Yes, but I don't believe it. Why? AVON: Blake may need some help. VILA: And that concerns you? JENNA: But you've been against it all until now. AVON: I know, but I'm still going down. Vila? [They exit] JENNA: You know what all this is about, don't you? CALLY: [Nods] I think I can guess. JENNA: It is a trap, isn't it? CALLY: Avon thinks so. JENNA: Well, Avon always thinks so. CALLY: This time he feels responsible. JENNA: Well, why should Avon feel responsible? CALLY: There can only be one reason. [Exbar. Avon materializes, looks around, and runs up cliff] [Ushton's dugout. Ushton hands Blake a drink] BLAKE: Thank you. Tell me about Travis. USHTON: Oh, he turned up here six days ago with men and guns. BLAKE: How many men? USHTON: Four. Crimos. BLAKE: Crimos? USHTON: Well, I've never seen them before but that's what they were, all right. BLAKE: Criminal psychopaths. USHTON: So I hear. BLAKE: You know what they can do, don't you? USHTON: Mm. BLAKE: And they have Inga. USHTON: Yes. Well, Travis seems to have them well in hand. He said he doesn't want to hurt her. He just wants you to join him up there. BLAKE: [Laughs] Do you believe him? USHTON: I had no choice. He had the crimos and the guns. He took us by surprise. His ship must have landed on the lower plain. BLAKE: So, where is he now, do you know? USHTON: Yes, he's in the tower at the top of the escarpment. It's an old communications center, deserted, but it's still got an oxygen plant and the power to run it. BLAKE: Why didn't you go after him? USHTON: Oh, absolutely impossible. With this leg I couldn't even get up there. BLAKE: Mm. USHTON: How did you come to hear about all this? BLAKE: Travis sent me a summons. USHTON: Summons? BLAKE: Yes. Said come, or he'd kill the girl. USHTON: So you came. BLAKE: What else could I do? USHTON: What does he want? BLAKE: To talk, so he says. More likely to kill me. USHTON: You knew that and you still came. That was good of you. BLAKE: So, how do I get up there? USHTON: I'll show you. I should go up the back trail. Come at them from behind. Surprise them. BLAKE: Oh, by the way, how do I get into this tower? USHTON: Well there's only one door. BLAKE: [Gives a short laugh] Yes, I was afraid of that. [Avon hears Ushton and Blake coming and watches from hiding as Ushton points out the trail] USHTON: Right. Now, just go up here and you'll see a ridge. Climb the ridge and you'll find the tower. Oh, take this. [Offers Blake a knife to replace his gun] It's quieter than that thing. BLAKE: [Laughs] I'll manage. [Starts up the ridge] USHTON: Good luck, Roj. [Returns to dugout, not limping] AVON: [Into bracelet] Jenna, send Vila down, I need him. Adjust coordinates to zero two four six. [Ushton's dugout. Ushton sits at the table] [Exterior shots of the tower and Travis looking over the ridge] [Dugout. Finally Ushton takes a communicator from concealment and calls Travis] USHTON: He's on his way up. [Main room of tower] TRAVIS: [Into communicator] I know. I saw him. [To Molok and Inga] He's coming up. The back trail. Did you hear that, Inga? Your champion is coming to rescue you. He's very gallant, your Blake. Foolish, too. All right Molok. MOLOK: [To other crimos] Get him. [Crimos exit] TRAVIS: I think my crimos are going to enjoy this. INGA: You're going to kill him.[Stands but Molok grabs her] TRAVIS: Don't worry, I won't kill him, yet. [Federation pursuit ship flight deck] SERVALAN: Estimated time to Exbar? MUTOID: Planetfall will be at twenty one fifty nine standard. SERVALAN: Are we at full capacity? MUTOID: We are calculating at time distort nine. That is our safety maximum. SERVALAN: I thought this ship was capable of time distort ten? MUTOID: That is the emergency maximum. SERVALAN: This is emergency, time distort ten. [Exterior shot of the pursuit ship] MUTOID: Yes, Supreme Commander. Time distort ten. SERVALAN: Mutoids. Don't you ever question anything? MUTOID: This is not our function. Our function is to obey without question. [Chime] Computer reports message from Counsellor Joban. SERVALAN: Ignore it. MUTOID: It is from headquarters, Supreme Commander. SERVALAN: I said, ignore it. MUTOID: It is directed to this ship. SERVALAN: Is it directed to you? MUTOID: No. SERVALAN: To whom is it directed? MUTOID: To you. SERVALAN: And I said ignore it. Understood? MUTOID: Understood. [Exbar. As Blake is climbing the escarpment, he grabs at a twig and it breaks] [Liberator teleport area] JENNA: Now Vila, have you got everything? VILA: Yes, I think so. JENNA: Have you checked your thermal suit? VILA: Uh, yes. JENNA: Right then. Let's go. VILA: You know Zen said it was cold down there. Shouldn't I have some more clothes on? JENNA: No. [Smiles] VILA: [As he is teleported] What about a handwarmer? [Exbar. Vila materializes] AVON: [Hiding behind ridge] Vila. VILA: [Runs to Avon and falls] Ulll... AVON: Quiet. Listen, there's a man in that cave. Do you think you can keep an eye on him? VILA: I suppose so. I've got my gun. AVON: Don't use it unless you have to. VILA: Is that the old man, Blake's uncle or whatever? AVON: Yes, it is. I don't trust him. VILA: Why not? AVON: When he saw Blake go, he had a limp. When he went back into the cave, he didn't have a limp. VILA: Perhaps he's a fast healer. AVON: I think Blake's in trouble. I'm going after him; you stay. If the old man tries to go up the trail, stop him. VILA: How? AVON: Kill him. VILA: Oh, marvelous. Kill Blake's old uncle. AVON: Keep under cover. VILA: Yes, yes. AVON: Stay alert. Talk to the Liberator every ten minutes. VILA: Yes, yes. I'm freezing. AVON: Well, freeze in silence. [Vila watches Avon leave] [Avon follows Blake's trail, finds snapped twig] AVON: [Into bracelet] Blake, this is Avon. Where are you? BLAKE: [Into bracelet] Hold on, Avon. [He continues climbing] AVON: [Into bracelet] Blake, Blake, this is Avon. Respond. [A hand is seen reaching for Blake's face. The crimo grabs Blake and they struggle. As Blake rolls down the hill, his bracelet comes off] Respond. [Blake steps in a trap] AVON: [Into bracelet] Blake. Where the hell is he? [Leg caught in the trap, Blake strains to reach his bracelet, but the crimo lifts it out of reach with a stick. Blake pulls his gun but the crimo kicks it away] [Teleport area] JENNA: Avon, are you all right? AVON: [V.O.] I can't contact Blake. He's up the trail somewhere. Have you heard from Vila? JENNA: No. AVON: I told him to report in. JENNA: I'll try and contact him now. AVON: [V.O.] All right. I'm going on. Out. JENNA: Vila. Vila, come in please. Vila. [Exbar. Vila is asleep] JENNA: [V.O.] Vila. [Vila's bracelet chimes and he wakes up, only to find Ushton there] USHTON: Who are you? VILA: Chilly, isn't it? [Dugout] USHTON: Of course, I don't want to hurt you, son, but you leave me little alternative. VILA: I thought that you were Blake's uncle. USHTON: I am. I also happen to be Inga's father and Travis has Inga so I do as I'm told, don't I? VILA: You tricked Blake into coming here, or helped to. USHTON: Well, I had to. VILA: Well, it's been...very,very nice meeting you. [Tries to escape] USHTON: Just a minute.[Pulls Vila back] USHTON: For the last time, are you the only one to come down from that ship, or are there others? VILA: Only me, I swear. USHTON: Swear? VILA: Yeah. USHTON When people swear I have to ask myself why they are swearing? Is it because they want me to believe them when they're telling me a lot of rubbish? Now are you telling me the truth, son? [Holds a knife at Vila's throat and Vila whimpers] Because if you're not... [Tower main room. Crimos bring Blake in. His hands are bound behind him and he's blindfolded] TRAVIS: Ah, Blake. Come in. Welcome. BLAKE: Some welcome. TRAVIS: Sit down. [Travis guides him into a chair at a table, and pulls the blindfold off. Inga is seated across from Blake] You know your cousin Inga, of course. She and her father have been looking forward to meeting you again. INGA: I'm sorry, Roj. BLAKE: Are you all right? INGA: Don't believe anything he tells you. My father would never do the things he says. TRAVIS: You're wrong, Inga. You should listen to me. I am the only one you can trust. INGA: He says my father has betrayed you. TRAVIS: [Communicator chimes. Travis picks it up and speaks into it] Two more? You will? Good. Thank you, Ushton. Inga, that was your father. He is being very cooperative. INGA: He wouldn't spit on you. [Molok strikes her, she screams, Blake springs to his feet but is forced back down by a crimo. Inga is taken away] TRAVIS: [To crimos] Two more coming up the trail. Go and get them. [Crimos exit. Travis sits down across from Blake] Now, Blake, you and I have business, I believe. BLAKE: I can't think what. TRAVIS: I am tired of being hunted by Servalan and the Federation. Sooner or later I shall be cornered. My problem is, I want the Liberator. BLAKE: I see. Yes, of course. TRAVIS: It is the fastest and most powerful ship in existence. BLAKE: Not a chance, Travis. TRAVIS: We'll see. [Exbar. Avon is looking around. Scene cuts to Liberator and back to Exbar as he and Jenna speak] AVON: [Into bracelet] Jenna, this is Avon. I'm up near the plateau. Anything from Vila? JENNA: No communication with Vila at all. AVON: Something is very wrong. I don't know, I think Ushton must be...[Avon is captured in a net] JENNA: Avon. Avon, are you all right? Come in, please. [V.O. as Avon is being pulled up the cliff in the net] Avon, are you all right? Come in, Avon. Can you hear me? [Avon's bracelet chimes as Ushton and Vila, his hands bound, come along the trail] USHTON: [To crimo] Wait. Get that bracelet. VILA: [To Avon] Sorry. USHTON: On. [Pushes Vila] [Exterior of tower] [Tower main room] BLAKE: I said I wouldn't give you the Liberator, Travis, and I won't. But I think you're probably right: together we stand more chance than operating as single units. I am prepared to do a deal with you. TRAVIS: Most cooperative of you, Blake, since you have no choice. [Inga struggles with Molok, gets free and runs out the door] MOLOK: Bring her back. TRAVIS: Futile gesture. The girl's a fool. She actually wants to die. Can you understand that Blake? BLAKE: Can you? TRAVIS: Oh yes, I understand shame very well. Now, you were telling me about your change of heart. About sharing the Liberator. [Blake doesn't answer] Pity, I was beginning to enjoy it. [Molok brings Inga back and forces her over to the table between Blake and Travis] TRAVIS: You wanted to die, Inga. Why was that? INGA: You wouldn't understand. TRAVIS: So that Blake would not hate your father? But he does. BLAKE: I do not hate him. TRAVIS: Ushton betrayed you. You must hate him; I would in your place. BLAKE: That is the difference between us, Travis. [Travis jumps up to backhand Blake and Blake leans back in his chair] BLAKE: That, too. TRAVIS: [To crimos] Take him in there. [Blake is pushed into what appears to be a storage room] [Teleport area] JENNA: [Into communicator] Blake, Blake, come in please. Avon. Vila. [To Cally] Nothing. CALLY: Of course it's a trap. Let's go down. JENNA: No, we'll wait. CALLY: For what? JENNA: It's Travis's move. We still control the Liberator. CALLY: A sitting target. JENNA: Not for him. CALLY: Not for anybody. JENNA: Where are you going? CALLY: I'm going to clear the neutron blasters for firing, JENNA: Well, what are you going to fire at? CALLY: Anything that moves. [Exits] [Tower main room. Avon and Vila are herded in and Ushton hands Travis their bracelets] USHTON: Now you've got all three. So let me have my daughter. TRAVIS: Wait. USHTON: You promised. INGA: Father.[Molok restrains her] USHTON: Leave her alone. TRAVIS: Old man, don't be difficult. She was ashamed of you. She tried to run away. USHTON: [Sits] I may be an old man, but if you cheat me, Travis... TRAVIS: Why should I? I've got Blake in there; now I've got the other two. You kept your part of the bargain. It'll be dark before long and you can take your daughter down in the morning. All right? USHTON: All right. INGA: [Comes to the table to confront Ushton] Why did you do it? USHTON: I had to. INGA: No you didn't, Father. USHTON: He would have killed you, Inga. INGA: I would rather he had. TRAVIS: [To crimos, indicating Avon and Vila] Take them in there. AVON: I thought you wanted to do a deal with us, Travis? TRAVIS: I've changed my mind, Avon. AVON: [To Vila] And you believed him. VILA: How was I to know he'd change his mind? [Vila and Avon are put into the storage room with Blake] BLAKE: Nice of you to drop in. AVON: The old man betrayed us. BLAKE: I know. AVON: I won't say that I told you so. BLAKE: Thank you. AVON: At least we are still alive. BLAKE: For the time being. VILA: What does that mean? AVON: These gentlemen do not mean us well, or haven't you noticed? VILA: Why should they want to kill us? BLAKE: Because they enjoy it. AVON: All we can hope for is that it's quick. [Tower main room. Molok is twisting Inga's arm behind her back. She screams] TRAVIS: Who is the weakest? USHTON: What do you want to know for? [Travis snaps his fingers and Molok twists Inga's arm again. She screams] TRAVIS: Who is the weakest? INGA: Don't help them anymore, Father. [Travis signals again and again Molok twists Inga's arm] USHTON: The one they call Vila. TRAVIS: Vila. [To Molok] Bring him out. Leave the other two in there. Seal off the door. [Turns a tap attached to pipe] USHTON: What are you doing? You're going to kill them, aren't you? TRAVIS: What else do you think I was going to do with Blake, you old fool? [At the door to the storage room] MOLOK: [Points gun at Vila] You. VILA: Me? MOLOK: You. VILA: Now wait a minute. Let's not be hasty.[Molok hits him and pulls him out] There's no need for violence, is there? BLAKE: So what happens now? [Pulsing sounds] AVON: They turn off the air and we suffocate? [Tower main room. Travis is holding a bracelet and Molok is wearing one] TRAVIS: You're going to help me, Vila. How do these things work? VILA: I don't know. One of the others always does it for me. I'm not very good with technical things. TRAVIS: Don't play the idiot with me. VILA: You're going to kill us anyway so why don't you get on with it. [Travis stands up and moves next to Vila] What are you doing? TRAVIS: Now you see Molok has a bracelet on. All you have to do is talk. Demonstrate. Tell us the word. VILA: I'm saying nothing. [Travis powers up his hand and points it very close to Vila's temple] TRAVIS: The word. Tell us the word. VILA: [Whispers] Teleport. TRAVIS: I'm sorry, we didn't hear the word, did we Molok? [Molok grins nastily and shakes his head] VILA: I'm not helping you, never. TRAVIS: Now, for the last time, tell us the word. The Word. The Word. [To Molok] Switch the bracelet on. [To Vila] The Word. The Word. The Word. [Presses hand to Vila's temple] VILA: TELEPORT! I told you TELEPORT! [Flight deck] CALLY: Jenna, did you hear that? JENNA: [V.O.] Yes, it sounds as though Vila's in trouble. I'm teleporting him now. CALLY: I'll be with you. [Teleport area. Jenna operates the teleport. Molok materializes. Jenna tries to teleport him back out] MOLOK: Don't move. Keep away from those switches. JENNA: Who are you? what do you want? MOLOK: You are Jenna. What is the state of the ship? JENNA: We're in stationary orbit. We're on automatic. MOLOK: You will fly the ship for Travis. [Cally enters] MOLOK: Wait. Over there. Quick. You are Cally. CALLY: Yes. JENNA: What's happened to our friends? MOLOK: They're dead. JENNA: What? CALLY: I don't believe it. MOLOK: Show me the ship; I must learn about it. CALLY: You're a crimo, aren't you? MOLOK: I have a high intelligence quotient, but I enjoy inflicting pain -- in that I am a true crimo. So don't be stupid, do as I say. Show me the flight deck. JENNA: No.[Molok points the gun at her] If you kill us, you won't be able to fly this ship on your own. MOLOK: I'll take that chance. Will you? Move. [They exit] [Tower. Vila is thrust back into the small room with Blake and Avon] AVON: What happened? VILA: They teleported one of the crimos up to the Liberator. AVON: You told them how to do it![Knees or kicks Vila] VILA: No, I didn't! Travis tricked me. AVON: That wouldn't be too difficult. So, now they have the Liberator. VILA: What have I done to deserve this? AVON: How long a list would you like? BLAKE: Leave him alone, there's no point. AVON: Blake, listen. BLAKE: Sit down. Don't talk. Save oxygen. AVON: Listen. I sent a message to Space Command Headquarters, to Servalan, that Travis was here. BLAKE: You did what? AVON: I set the dogs on Travis. What's so strange about that? BLAKE: Why? AVON: It seemed the only rational thing to do. I thought they would get there ahead of us, get Travis and save us the trouble. VILA: So this all your fault. AVON: How do you arrive at that conclusion? VILA: I'd still be on the ship if it wasn't for you. BLAKE: Shut Up. We must conserve the air for as long as possible. VILA: How long have we got? AVON: Minutes. VILA: How many? AVON: I'll let you know. [Teleport area. Cally and Jenna are marched in by Molok] MOLOK: Wait. Turn round. You were wise to cooperate. [To Cally] You. You and I are returning to the planet. [To Jenna] You will stay here. When we come back, we'll have Travis with us. If you try to move the ship or cause any kind of trouble, she'll be dead. [Cally steps onto the teleport pad] Now put us down. [Joins Cally, then notices she is not wearing a teleport bracelet] Wait. [To Cally] Put your bracelet on. [Cally puts on a bracelet. To Jenna] Operate the controls. [She doesn't move] Do it. [She still doesn't move] I will count to three, then I'll kill you. One. Two. [Cally kicks him and moves away as he doubles up. Jenna teleports him. He explodes in space] CALLY: Where did you send him? JENNA: Into space. There won't be much left of him by now. ZEN: [V.O.] Information. CALLY: [Into communicator] What is it Zen? ZEN: [V.O.] Main detectors indicate a single federation pursuit ship approaching planet Exbar. CALLY: [To Jenna] I know they're still alive. We've got to go down and try and find them. JENNA: Get my bracelet and the guns.[Into communicator] Zen, how long before the pursuit ship's planetfall? ZEN: [V.O.] Fifteen minutes. JENNA: [Into communicator] How long before her detectors pick us up? ZEN: [V.O.] Twelve minutes. JENNA: We can't go down if that's all the time we've got. CALLY: That pursuit ship may be alone, or it could be the first of a flotilla. JENNA: Either way, all we can do is wait. [Tower storage room] VILA: I'm dying. [Blake and Avon exchange looks] AVON: Not yet. Soon. VILA: [Goes to door and calls through window] Travis, let us out. We'll drive the Liberator for you. TRAVIS: I like to hear you scream for mercy, Vila. VILA: You'll never fly her on your own. TRAVIS: You underestimate my crimos. They can fly my ship, why not yours? VILA: Travis, please. [Tower main room] USHTON: Travis. She's run off. TRAVIS: [To crimos] Get her! [All the crimos exit. Ushton knocks Travis out] USHTON: Inga. [She comes out of hiding as Ushton turns the pipe tap] Get them out of there. I'll deal with Travis. [Ushton drags Travis out and dumps him down a cliff] [Tower main room. Inga lets Blake, Avon and Vila out] VILA: Ohhh. AVON: [To Vila] What's the matter with you? VILA: Pins and needles. USHTON: [Enters] Blake, you fit? BLAKE: Just about. USHTON: Let's get them before they get us. VILA: Ohhh. Ohhh. BLAKE: Come on, Vila. VILA: I don't think I can make it. BLAKE: Inga, stay and look after him. AVON: Blake, come on. USHTON: Let's go. [They exit] INGA: [To Vila] You all right? VILA: I'm not sure. Oh! INGA: Where does it hurt? VILA: Everywhere. [Ushton, Blake and Avon outside. Scene cuts from them to Travis and the crimos running around] USHTON: That way. TRAVIS: Crimos! Crimos! Forget the girl! The prisoners are free. Come on, this way. Follow me. [Ushton, Blake, and Avon running] TRAVIS: Come on. [Blake, Avon, and Ushton roll boulders on the crimos and Travis. One crimo is killed] USHTON: That's one gone. I'll get the other two, you get Travis. BLAKE: You're unarmed. USHTON: I'll manage. TRAVIS: Crimos! Crimos! Crimos! Crimos! [He hides and fires as Blake and Avon run past him] [Ushton defeats two crimos with a stick] [Blake and Avon have pinned Travis down in some brush] [Ushton throws a crimo down a cliff into water. As he finishes, another grabs him] [Travis decoys Avon's shot by moving some brush. As Blake and Avon get up to run, Travis shoots and hits Avon in the arm. He falls to the ground and Blake joins him] BLAKE: How bad is it? AVON: I don't know. BLAKE: Let me look. AVON: Leave me. Watch yourself. BLAKE: We've got to get you back to the Liberator. AVON: Leave me! BLAKE: Come on. TRAVIS: Don't move. BLAKE: Still no deal, Travis TRAVIS: I'm not going to bargain with you, Blake, I'm going to kill you. Two for the price of one. [Ushton throws net on Travis] USHTON: Get him. AVON: Why don't we kill him while we still have the chance? BLAKE: No. We'll leave him for the Federation. USHTON: [To Avon] You badly hurt? AVON: I'll survive. BLAKE: [To Travis, whose hands have been bound behind him] That is your way. [Shoves Travis away] [To Avon] We've got to get you to the Liberator quickly. AVON: What about the crimos? USHTON: [Indicates a fallen crimo] That's the last of them. BLAKE: Come on, let's go. [Tower main room. Blake, Ushton, and Avon enter. Scene cuts from tower to teleport and back] INGA: Did you get them? BLAKE: We got them. INGA: [To Avon] Oh, you're hurt. AVON: It's just a scratch. BLAKE: He'll be all right once he gets to the Liberator. VILA: Blake, we've only got two bracelets. BLAKE: I know. [Into bracelet] Jenna. JENNA: Blake! Are you all right? BLAKE: Yes. Get a voice fix and bring three bracelets down with you. JENNA: There's a Federation pursuit ship landed somewhere on Exbar. It may have a flotilla behind it. BLAKE: [V.O.] Better get a move on then. JENNA: Right INGA: Roj. BLAKE: You're both coming with us. INGA: No, we can't. BLAKE: Why not? USHTON: Well, it's too late for me, [To Inga] but you could go. INGA: No. Travis left us a legacy. We could never break into this place, but he managed it. BLAKE: So? INGA: So, that storage room contains enough food concentrates to feed every starving mouth on this planet. If we can find them all, get them together, organize them, we can survive. BLAKE: When that's done, Inga, I'll come back for you. INGA: Could take a long time. BLAKE: [Holds her hands] If you want me to come back. [Jenna materializes] INGA: I'd like that. JENNA: We could be running out of time, Blake. BLAKE: [Blake and Inga kiss] Good luck. USHTON: [Blake and Ushton shake hands] Thanks, my boy. BLAKE: All right, Jenna? JENNA: Bring us up, Cally. [They teleport] INGA: Come on, father. [Exbar. It's night time. Travis is wnadering around, hands still tied. Servalan and a mutoid find him. The mutoid pulls a gun, but Servalan stops her] SERVALAN: Hello, Travis. TRAVIS: Servalan. SERVALAN: Has Blake gone? TRAVIS: Yes. SERVALAN: [To mutoid] Release him. [They both look up at Liberator in orbit] TRAVIS: I wanted the Liberator. SERVALAN: I thought it must be something like that. TRAVIS: Are you and I still enemies? SERVALAN: Officially, yes. Unofficially, you lead me to Blake whenever you can. If you help me get him I'll see you officially listed as dead. There's no one as free as a dead man. [Flight deck. Blake enters] JENNA: How's Avon? BLAKE: He'll be all right. Flight plan ready? JENNA: Quite ready. BLAKE: Then take us out of here, speed standard by twelve. JENNA: Standard by twelve. |