January 27, 2003

Signs you are playing a Science Fiction role playing game.

    April 3, 2002
  1. Your character has more than two legs.
  2. Your character has no legs.
  3. Your character's statistics are in metric.
  4. A critical or fumble by your character may significantly change the known amount of mass in the universe.
  5. You have a debate with your gamemaster about whether you can see an event before you hear it.
  6. Your character became erased, indirectly due to an affect s/he caused during a time travel adventure.
  7. Your character carries an emergency boot disk.
  8. Your character climbs some stairs but cannot tell if he/she is ascending or descending.
  9. Your character gets through a worm hole without finding loot.
  10. You require dice bigger than a d10 for damage rolls.
  11. A brief description of your player character's armor requires third-year biochemistry.
  12. Your character shops at Radio Shack instead of the blacksmith.
  13. Your character has numerals and letters in their name.
  14. Your character's home ends with a roman numeral.
  15. Your character has talked to another version of himself.
  16. Your character distrusts the ship's computer more than the thieves in the party.
  17. Your character has killed an npc over how many rings/moons/stations surround a planet.
  18. Your character has excessive fur/scales/gills/wings/eyes, yet IS in the core rulebook as a permissable race.
  19. Your adventuring party has ever gotten too close to a black hole due to a processor rounding error.
  20. Your character has ever had to reboot.
  21. Your character blames character flaws on faulty programming.
  22. Your character has ever solved a difficult problem by asking "What if we reverse the flux?"
  23. Your character has ever had to roll versus falling out of their chair.
  24. Your character is allergic to water.

  25. AND FINALLY...
  26. Your character has a hard time finding suitable underwear in a department store.

  27. January 27, 2003
  28. Your character's family tree reads like the history of Microsoft.
  29. Your character has a firewire port instead of a bellybutton.
  30. Your character's family tree is actually a big tree.
  31. You have to keep track of what physical form your character is in (gas, liquid, solid).