July 30, 2005

KTCA MST3K is Available on DVD

I found out about this site, cupandblade.com, when I was looking to find out if I could get the Humanoid Woman episode. I still purport that Lucas used that short, curly haired gal as his sith assistant to the emperor in the prequel movies.

Posted by ledlogic at 04:25 PM

July 25, 2005

News Radio Best Build up of all Time

This is one of the best telephone/rumor mill build ups of all time, I believe. The build up is that a company may be buying the station.

Fired half the staff and made everyone else take paycuts.

Fired half the staff and made everyone else get haircuts.

Eliminated half and half and made everyone eat coldcuts.

Posted by ledlogic at 09:26 PM

July 07, 2005

Barbarians vs. Civilization

The real way to frame the issue is not terrorism or the war on terror, but the battle of Civilization versus Barbarism. Trying to deal with Terrorism is impossible, since it is the action, the output of Barbarians. Instead, if we frame the battle as Civilization versus barbarians, you can target nations and systems that are barbaric.

Posted by ledlogic at 07:27 AM