September 18, 2007

Lecture 1 - Strategic Management - Introduction to Course

- suspend your disbelief
- perception vs. reality
- what is reality

What are you trying to be?
- Myths - what societal/corporate myths exist?
- Look at differential
- (Positive/negative) energy
- Strategic inflection

10 years:
- China as a military superpower?
- Shift in wealth: M-> F?

Discursive formations
- Dialogues
- The narratives of the day
- Intersections
- Strategic formulations

Liberal arts - what does it mean?
- What are the duties and privileges?

Cognitive formations
- Company revelations
- Personal revelations

Population Ecology
- Cannot let go
- Inertia
- Sanctioning is a powerful force

Construction of reality
- What is the vision document of US?
- What is the vision of the company?
- Who owns it? CEO? Board? (not the employees)

Governace vs. Capital models
- Communist china engaged in capitalist market.

Understanding needed to advance
Are you synched up?
Do you understand the system?
How does it function?
How do you want it to function?

- 2nd law of thermodynamics
- anything which does not have a positive energy applied to it will tend toward a rest state.
- rest state may be less ordered (ex. water).

- Governing systems to generate an outcome.
- positive force on the system.

MBA Academy
- Truth and knowledge
- To advance, explore, challenge
- School of thought
- Others in the academy: BA + Professionals
- Duties and obligations
- Privileges
- Following a doctorate
- Reverence
- Earned
- Obligations to community
-- When not followed, community steps in with SOX.

Posted by ledlogic at September 18, 2007 06:10 PM