Tiles Sans Struts?
The Dilemna: Finding a Tiles example that works with Struts 1.2.9
From the documents on the web you would think it was easy to create a
interface independently of Struts. However the links are dead in the
current version. Also, I believe some of the documentation is dated,
and the scattered remains you find today on the web are leftover
descriptions from an older version of Tiles. I have created a fixed
example that fits with some of the previous documentation, but
actually will work in the case of using Tiles definitions.
Tiles Background
The Tiles
installation document states that in order to use Tile
independently, you would use the TilesServlet, located in the
struts-tiles-VERSION.jar. There is not a TilesServlet, nor a
struts-tiles-VERSION.jar, in the struts-1.2.9-src, -lib, or -bin
deliveries. The Tiles
installation document has a dead link to
The Tiles FAQ
page has a dead link to
The example in the
API from 1.x Struts has some extra escaping of >
The Examples
from 1.x Struts page is incomplete.
The Definition
tag does not mention name. Name is a required attribute for
To use the Tiles in the current version of Struts, you will need to
use the Struts servlet. I have uploaded a working example with all of the necessary components at: http://www.guesttime.com/members/ledlogic/struts/TilesTest-0.1-src.jar
If you build this and deploy the war to a webserver, there are 3 examples in the line of the original struts examples, one for pure JSP (/jsp/jspExample.jsp), one with JSP + tiles (/jsp/tilesExample.jsp), and the last is (/jsp/tilesXMLExample.jsp).
I am not sure if there are nightly builds somewhere for tiles.
The javadoc needs to be fixed in the java source for the tiles
Perhaps some of the information here could be incorporated. Do you
need someone to finish the documentation for Tiles? If so I can
- See the above example source package for an example. I used name, not id.
Posted by ledlogic at July 6, 2006 01:27 AM