I just sent this letter to all of the MPAAT members listed here:
Dear sirs and madams,
I am a citizen of Washington County Minnesota, and I am writing you to notify
you of my disgust with your ad campaign.
I am a non-smoker, but your anti-tobacco ads advocate violence and depict
murder, trashing brides, and killing babies. As a professional, are these the
images you really want your names associated with?
I would hope that you realize that your campaign is not the sort of public
information welcome by an intelligent citizenry.
You can make your point without flooding our streets, airwaves, and peridicals
with your negative images.
It used to be that advertisers would try to improve their surroundings by
aiming above the ground level with their artwork and design. But your ads are
disgusting to the core.
I am going to continue publicly taking a stand against this corruption of our
public space. You will hear me denouncing the use of public funds by your
organization until you come forward with a more positive use of media.
Citizen of Washington Country, MN
Jeff Conrad