What is with the new shows, they are turning into smut/drag? I like What not to wear, In a fix, Clean Sweep. But some of these new shows look awful - some show about drag queens, and then a new show with Martha Stewart. Please, Martha, you messed up go hide away and live a less public live. If she gets a second chance then at least a nice person like Pee Wee Herman should get a second chance.
This show, America's ugliest bathroom, is hilarious. Some of these people need to clean their bathroom. Makes me want to go scrub something right now. Why would people put carpet in the bathroom?
I was looking for a site which said what happened to Hilde. this site suggests that she actually lives in a castle and is married to a diplomat. I especially like some of the individual analyses: "After being an utter bitch to everyone and having just dropped acid, Hilde will glue 15 tons of horse poop to the walls".