It's been a while since I've bought something from Apple. The way their user interface has gone, to me seems to be counter-productive. It seems less user-friendly than the classic+color interface of OS8.5-9.0.
I never liked associating icons instead of program names. I feel you need both, and in the new OS X experience, it seems like you are forced to hover over everything in order to see what it really represents.
I did like the iPod Shuffle though. Although I would have preferred an electronic device that has a display similar to the scope and text that you see in the WinAmp software, but those devices usually cost way more than I am willing to pay for a glorified Walkman replacement.
The iPod shuffle is a pretty sweet, simple device that gives me more USB drive space than I paid for my USB stick drive a year ago. My old drive has only 1/10 the capacity and 1/2 the price of the 1GB iPod Shuffle, but it doesn't have the ability to play songs. Other manufacturer's players look like they would not plug directly into a usb drive, which means more cables. I hate having more cables on my physical desktop.
Posted by ledlogic at March 13, 2005 12:30 AM